Woman reading a Bible

5 Bible Study Tools to Encourage a Love For Studying

Woman reading a Bible

Are you frustrated with your Bible study routine? Do you find it hard to get an understanding of the truths, promises, and instruction in the Bible?

I’ve said before that I know that reading the Bible can be challenging.

Before I started adding support to my Bible study routine I was:

  • Frustrated 
  • struggling with my faith 
  • losing hope 
  • wanting to have a deeper connection with God, but not getting it.

There were times when I looked in different versions of the Bible but I still had trouble understanding.

I started paying attention to:

  • My approach
  • self-control
  • stillness
  • worship
  • and rereading

I also started adding study tools. When I added tools, Gods word spoke to me more often.

I was able to seek help in what was not clear to me.

The opportunity to hear God speak is all about what we do in our study time. 

I heard about people who were hearing God speak whether audibly or through His word.

I was concerned, because I wasn’t hearing either way.

It wasn’t that I didn’t have the desire to hear from Him. It wasn’t that I wasn’t trying. I was leaving my Bible study time FRUSTRATED and Empty.

I wanted to know what His will was for me. I felt something in my spirit but I didn’t know how to connect to it…how to communicate.

 Now, I realize it wasn’t it I was trying to connect to. I was trying to connect with God.

 I wanted to know God for myself.

 I’m a former teacher and I taught kids to read closely. We would have to read a text multiple times to get a true understanding of what we were reading.

 I also taught them to research when they didn’t know something. If they didn’t know the meaning of a word, they should look it up.

 I taught them to look for CREDIBLE sources. The sites that we knew were sources of information and the information was really researched.

 I’m a slow and cautious reader. I’m also a word nerd.

 I spend time taking in the meaning of words.

 These are things I started doing in my Bible study time.

 THANKFULLY, things are changing!

It’s all because of the change in my mindset. I explained it in my 5 practices I listed above. I also have a post called the 5 Practices That Promote a Love for God’s Word.

 I usually write a journal entry about what’s on my mind before I read the the Bible. So many times after I write it I go to the Word and find an answer to what I wrote…

 It may not always be the answer that I’m looking for, but I always come away enlightened.

 I realize God is listening to me.

I also use some amazing tools when I study the Bible. I don’t use them all at once, but I have a plan for all of them.

 These are not paid advertisements and they aren’t ranked. All of the apps and websites are filled with Bible study benefits that will keep you reading for a lifetime.


Bible Translations

YouVersion has many translations of the Bible. You pick the version that works for you.

 It’s easy to navigate through the app and find the version you like and understand.

 If you want to see a different version of what you’re reading. You can change it while you read.

 You also have the option to listen to the Bible if that’s what you choose.

Bible Plans 

 There are amazing, empowering plans on all types of topics. You can learn to pray, learn how to deal with anxiety, learn how to share your faith and so much more!

 I can’t say enough about the plans on this app.

I don’t think I’ve ever left a plan feeling like I didn’t learn anything.

There are even video and audio plans!


 The app has a section where you can add prayers. I’ve prayed with my friends on important issues and things I may be struggling with.

 It’s social

 Speaking of interacting with friends, You can read the Bible with your friends. You can see what plans they’re reading and you can even read together. You can discuss plans right in the app.

There are rewards for reading the Bible

 Everyone likes a gold star. (Well, I do!)

 The app rewards you for reading. You can earn badges for highlighting, bookmarking, finishing reading challenges, and so much more.

 I had a streak going on the app, I was so proud of it! I would at least go into the app and read the scripture of the day.

 Unfortunately, I lost it…something about this thing called life. But anyway.

 My best daily streak was 505 days! I was so upset when I messed up that streak.

 I also have a 91 perfect weeks.

 I just love that the app keeps this data for me.

 I’ve been using my physical Bible more often and YouVersion is still a resource that I go to often.

I just haven’t made it back to my 505 day streak…yet.

Oh…and check to see if your church is one of the many who are using it to add church notes!

I’m sure I haven’t even tapped into what this app has to offer.

I haven’t even talked about the website or the kids version of the app. It’s worth checking out.


I have been using the Blue Letter Bible app for a few years. It offers many similar options as YouVersion. Some of the things the app includes are:

  • Bible Translations 
  • Bible plans
  • Devotionals

Those options are enough on their own. But the more I use it the more I learn. I learned that the website offers more than I could have imagined.

  • Reference materials
    • Maps (I’ve really been getting more into the maps and studying the locations where Gods people have been.)
    • Articles on religion
    • Educational videos
    • Hymns
    • and so much more!
  • Courses (My favorite! And they are free!)

That’s just under the “STUDY” tab.Like I said before, I’m sure there’s so much that I haven’t even tapped into.

You can partner with them and make donations so that they can keep the site going. This site is so worth donating to.


I love the website for this Bible tool. It has the option to open three study sections!…okay, I’m getting ahead of myself. Let me step back…

The information I’m giving for this one is more focused on the website than the app. Although the app is very helpful too.

 Like the other two, it has:

  • Bible Translations
  • References
  • Devotionals, galore!

There are Free and paid options for all of these.

But before, I was getting excited about the way you can study in this tool.

If you are in full screen mode on your laptop or desktop, you can have the Bible, a devotional in your study notes all on one screen.

 You can copy and paste from the Bible and the devotional right to your study notes! I. Love. It!

 There is also a store to purchase study tools to add to the free tools.


This name may be familiar if you have ever read the small books that have daily devotionals.

Most people may be familiar with this organization.

I have really been enjoying this website.

 This site is especially filled with tools for Christian education.

It’s not a Bible like the others.

It has AMAZING support materials like

  • Devotionals
  • Inspirational stories
  • and always my favorite FREE courses!

Although the courses on this site are free, I actually have the paid option. I want to take the quizzes and receive a certificate when I finish my courses.

I’m treating it as a college courses. I really want to learn more and strengthen my faith.

There are also:

  • Daily Devotionals
  • Daily Podcasts
  • Articles
  • Reading Plans

This is another site that has so much to explore and learn how to get a closer connection to God!.


If you like videos, this amazing site is for you.

You can also find it on YouTube.

 I really like the website. It is filled with so much rich material on the Bible.

 Of course it offers:

The Bible Reader

The Bible is offered in three translations.

  • Word for Word (NASB)
  • Thought for Thought (GNT)
  • Paraphrase (CEVD)

It is evident that their goal is to make the Bible very accessible to people. These are their choices for helping people read the Bible.

You can also sort the Bible 3 different ways.

  • Traditional
  • Hebrew
  • Storyline

Just the options for sorting the Bible shows me that I have so much to learn.


Many of the videos are summaries of the books of the Bible.

There are also videos that help with learning how to read the Bible.

 There are videos on word studies

 …and of course so much more.


 You can find blog posts related to Bible stories.

What a way to get answers to current issues as you read!


The podcasts are extensions of the videos and Bible stories.

They educate on various topics like the videos.


 In the downloads section you can download the posters that go along with the story.

 They are beautiful creations that help you get a vision of what’s happening as you read.

Church at Home

 At the time of this article, they have 26 study lessons for churches, small groups and those learning at home.

 What a way to stay connected to God, when we are dealing with a global pandemic.

 The longer I use the website, the more I find.

 This website is filled with Bible resources that will help you connect and nurture your relationship with God.

 It is a well-rounded study of the Bible. You get something for every type of learner.


I love reading my Bible and these resources have been a major part in increasing that love.

 Now that I’m learning more about these apps and sites I just want to use them all everyday.

 If you don’t know about these tools, I would suggest looking into them.

 If your goal is to get closer to God you definitely only need the Bible, but if you’re struggling it’s never wrong to seek help. 

I strongly suggest the apps and websites for YouVersion, Blue Letter Bible, Tecarta, Our Daily Bread, and The Bible Project.

 Some have paid options and some ask for donations so that they remain free.

 It’s not required, but I have made donations to some and plan to make regular donations to all of them. 

 If any of these are new to you, let me know what you may use.

 If you already know about them which one is your favorite?

 I look forward to hearing from you. I’m glad to be on this journey with you!

 God loves you and so do I family!


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