Young Woman holding a Bible

Faith Check Up: 7 Scriptures to Refuel Your Faith

Have you done a faith check up lately?
I mean like really thought about what it means to have faith?…For some people that may be an easy question, but for some of us, it may be a little more challenging.
Our faith should be what drives our daily lives. We should be expecting to see God in every part of our day.

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Woman sitting at a desk writing

Is God Calling Me to Be a Writer?

All the while, there was a constant nudge and feeling that God was calling me to do something else. Can you relate? 
 If you are asking the question: Is God calling me to be a writer? I think there is something inside that may already be pushing you toward an answer.  
 No, I can’t confirm your calling. Only God can do that. But I do have some questions for you.

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7 Tips for the Reluctant Devotional Writer

Little did I know, God was going to keep nudging me. I finally decided to answer the nudge. I didn’t know where to start. As the days went on I became so reluctant to even start. I couldn’t write a devotional. Who am I? I’m not a pastor or preacher. I’m not someone that people look up to.
But I kept hearing “just write”. So, that’s what I did.
I just started writing.

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