Faith Check Up: 7 Scriptures to Refuel Your Faith
Have you done a faith check up lately?
I mean like really thought about what it means to have faith?…For some people that may be an easy question, but for some of us, it may be a little more challenging.
Our faith should be what drives our daily lives. We should be expecting to see God in every part of our day.

Is God Calling Me to Be a Writer?
All the while, there was a constant nudge and feeling that God was calling me to do something else. Can you relate?
If you are asking the question: Is God calling me to be a writer? I think there is something inside that may already be pushing you toward an answer.
No, I can’t confirm your calling. Only God can do that. But I do have some questions for you.

Brainstorming Ideas: 3 Effective Ways to Organize Your Thoughts
I want to talk to you about keeping up with those ideas. I want to help you create a simple way to start collecting your ideas.
You may have heard of them before. I’m sure at least one of them you used when you were in school.

4 Scriptures That Remind Us That We Are Overcomers
The Bible calls us who get through trials and struggles OVERCOMERS.
That sounds so good doesn’t it? Sometimes, I don’t feel like an overcomer.

Trust God: 10 Bible Passages to Remind Us That God’s Got This!
God is sovereign. That means He’s in control.
When we wake up in the morning, it may look like we’re alone in this world.
But, no matter how bad it looks, as Christians we have to remember that we have MIGHTY POWER backing us.

7 Tips for the Reluctant Devotional Writer
Little did I know, God was going to keep nudging me. I finally decided to answer the nudge. I didn’t know where to start. As the days went on I became so reluctant to even start. I couldn’t write a devotional. Who am I? I’m not a pastor or preacher. I’m not someone that people look up to.
But I kept hearing “just write”. So, that’s what I did.
I just started writing.