Woman holding TV remote

Overcome Procrastination and Start Writing Today

As writers we can always find something “better” to do. I can always watch a great TV show and check out what’s happening on social media. Of course there’s nothing wrong with these things, they’re ways that we can relax from our busy schedules.

Enjoying these things are nice until they become part of my “procrastination routine”. 

When we let it get out of control, procrastination can stop us from reaching our dreams.

If procrastination is not your struggle, but you’re still not writing, check out my free “Confident Writer” checklist. Find out what’s stop you from writing so that you can get started today.

Maybe you don’t know that you’re procrastinating.

That’s very possible.

Some people may call it being lazy. I don’t always think that’s the case.

Let me share the definition that Dictionary.com gives: Procrastinate – to put off till another time; defer; delay. It lists the synonyms as postpone and prolong.

I’ve seen definitions that say, putting off something that is undesirable or boring. Some even say, even when there could be a negative consequence, if something doesn’t get completed.

Even though I don’t think that writing is boring, I do think the process can be mundane.

When we’re trying to get started it may feel like writing will be boring, especially when other things that require less mental work are fighting for our attention.

Yet, once we’re actually writing, the time becomes almost magical.

Giving myself time to truly get into the flow of writing allows me to see a new world open up.

I wonder if other writers feel this way too.

That’s why I say it’s not just about slapping a “lazy” title on someone. There has to be more to it.

Point #1 – Symptoms of Procrastination

So let’s talk about the symptoms of procrastination.

Do you find yourself avoiding writing by finding more “important things to do”? Maybe you need to clean the house or your car?

Of course with families to take care of there is always something that gets in the way.


I’ve tried to convince myself that watching TV while I’m writing helps me focus.

It doesn’t.

We can always find “productive” things to do that take less mental work.


There have been times when I actually try to work on other parts of my business when it’s time to write.

Maybe I look at emails during a brain break.

Or, I check on a website I’ve been meaning to check on “really quickly”, and I never get back to writing.

One thing I’ve learned is that I need to focus on writing when it’s time to write.

In my videos, I’ve suggested that we can record our words while we’re cooking or eating lunch. I’m fully aware that there are times when we just have to get the words in a safe place, so that we don’t forget them.

My suggestion is that when we have an opportunity we should try our best to make writing the only thing we’re focused on, when we can.


I’m full of them! Honestly, I can make so many excuses to avoid writing.

My favorite line is, “I’ll just do it tomorrow”.

Don’t we know there is always something that’s going to come up tomorrow?

When we just don’t feel like it, it can be a struggle to sit and write. But think about it…when you get it done you feel so much better knowing that you have put those words on the page.

Woman sitting on her couch looking at social media

Point 2: Reasons For Procrastination

Are there any good reasons for procrastinating? Let’s talk about some that could be reasons that we can address.

Feeling like you’re not enough

  • Do you hesitate to get started because you feel like you’re not enough?
  • You might feel like people won’t want to read what you write.

Believe me, there is someone out there who is waiting for your voice.

You just have to get started.

We have to give people the benefit of the doubt.

There have been times when I was so worried about what people would say, only to find out that there are some really nice people out there.

We just have to take a chance.

Imposter Syndrome

I hear this term a lot.

I know that imposter syndrome is major with creatives.

You’re probably thinking who am I to write a book?

When God gives us vision we have to move past this question.

You are who He called you to be, for the book(s) you’re writing.

Lack of Skills

Lack of skills or knowledge is a very valid reason for procrastination.

Struggling with spelling or grammar can stop us from getting started.

However, there are a lot of tools that can help you with that. When you use a word processing software like Google Docs, there is an internal spell check and minimal grammar checker.

There are also tools like Grammarly, as well as speech to text apps that will type while you speak.

If you don’t want a computer to check your work, you can hire an editor.

Don’t allow lack of skills to stop you.

In the beginning, you’ll be the only one who sees your work, anyway. Use the tools that are available to you first and then have someone you trust look it over.


Comparison not only makes us procrastinate, but it’s truly harmful to our dreams.

We are different from every other person on this planet.

All of us are individuals, and we have our own talents that we bring to the table.

When you write a book you’re bringing your own experiences to the story, and that’s what makes your writing special. That’s what makes your voice special.

It’s you that people are looking to connect with.

A lot of times we find ourselves looking at other people’s writing, and it causes all kinds of self-doubt.

If you’re feeling like this, think about what you can learn from what others are writing.

Comparison is a thief of joy. It stops us from realizing our potential in Christ.

Instead of comparing, try to learn from other writers.

Learn from other writers’ work ethic.

Learn from their ability to be consistent.

Learn from them, but don’t compare yourself to them.

Your writing must come from your heart to reach the people that God wants you to reach.

Just Don’t Feel Like It

Sometimes, we just don’t feel like writing.

I won’t call this lazy.

We just have so much going on with work and family.

That means sitting down and focusing is not a priority.

I’m a teacher and after a day at work, it takes a miracle to get me in front of my computer.

So, I understand.

Remember, it’s important to keep pushing forward so that you can complete your book.

Woman with pen and paper. She is holding her head in frustration

Point 3: Dangers of procrastination


Self-sabotage is a danger of procrastination.

Negative thoughts about ourselves and negative self-talk can stop us from using our God given talent.

You may speak negatively about yourself or convince yourself that you have no talent or that your dreams aren’t worth going after.

Please don’t do that.

I had to stop myself from doing that. Now that I’m on this side of that negative self-talk, I realize how damaging it was to my mental and my physical health.

You have a dream, and it’s important for you to go after it. Someone one is watching you and what you do matters.

Think of how many people you can impact around you, just by going after your dreams.

No matter your age, your writing dreams are important to pursue.

Not fulfilling your dreams

Another danger is that you’re not fulfilling your dreams.

I really don’t want to leave this earth without sharing the beautiful words that God has placed in my heart. I know that He placed me here to help others.

I love being able to entertain others with my writing. I love reading the comments of people who have enjoyed my books.

Their words encourage me to keep going. They encourage me to keep writing.

I have to remember what I’m here for and my readers remind me. They are a blessing to me.

Just getting started helped me to get to this point. Now, I see that God has people who are looking for my voice, and I do this for Him and for them.

It’s not easy being consistent, but I have to remember that I am working toward a dream and purpose.

That’s worth it all.

Procrastinating blocks me from experiencing these realities.

Higher Calling in God

God is calling us to a higher purpose.

When we don’t respond we’re being disobedient.

I don’t like being disobedient. That also blocks me from my blessings.

Giving this gift back to God makes me feel so accomplished.

Even when I don’t see subscribers growing on my YouTube Channel or my TikTok, I keep going.

I know at some point I’m impacting someone and others will see me soon.

Whether it’s fiction or nonfiction that I’m writing, I just love being creative.

It has to start with me finding my love for it.

Falling in love with the process of writing makes me want to continue.

That makes me put my heart into what I’m doing and I inturn share my heart with the world.

God has given us talent to impact others.

We can’t just push that to the side.

He has filled our hearts with this valuable dream, and we downplay it and keep it to ourselves.

That stops us from realizing the purpose He has for us.

We must keep moving forward and stop allowing procrastination to get in our way.

This is a barrier that we can overcome.

A woman is setting in front of her laptop. She looks frustrated.

Point 4: Ways to Overcome Procrastination

First let me say – You can do this! You are capable of getting over barriers. It just takes some planning and tools. Sometimes we don’t know what we’re missing.

Just start writing

Usually, when it’s time to write all it takes is for me to get started.

When I get started, I find myself working longer than I had planned, and I definitely feel more accomplished.

Even if you don’t have a clear beginning, middle, and end to your story, just start freewriting.

Write what you feel, and put it all it together later. It doesn’t have to be perfect.

This can be your brainstorming.

And remember, you’re the only one who sees it right now. Don’t judge yourself on your ideas.

Adding and deleting is part of the editing process.

You can always make things sound better and more polished once you have your ideas out on paper or in your word processing document.

Learn new things

If you don’t feel confident about what you want to write, do some some research. If you feel there is something that will stop you from writing, learn more about it.

You can research for fiction and nonfiction.

Read other people’s books.

Don’t take their writing style, but learn from it.

I love learning from other writers.

Also, there are so many writing books out there, that have helped me become a better writer.

I still have some growing to do, but I will take the wins I have now and appreciate the people who have read through my words and saw the heart of my stories.

But, books that teach writing are great resources.

Of course you can learn from blogs and websites that teach grammar and mechanics.

Researching is a great way to overcome procrastination.

Always take time to do something to push your writing journey forward.

Write in sprints.

I think I say this all the time in my videos, on YouTube.

Start with 15 minutes.

You can do two 15 minute sprints a day. That’s 30 minutes of writing compared to nothing.

Get well acquainted with the timer on you phone, and allow it to become your best friend.

Setting the timer, sets my mind to focus mode because I know that I have a certain amount of time to get the words out.

I don’t have to think about the time because my timer is doing that for me.

For some reason, I don’t even think about other stuff that’s going on when that timer is set.

Procrastination takes a back seat when my timer is counting down.

Set Page Count Goals

You can also write by page.

Set a page count goal that will get you to write.

Maybe you’ll want to write 2 pages a day. That’s not a bad goal.

Two pages a day, for 30 days, is 60 pages in one month and 120 pages in 2 months.

How great would that be?

When we do the math, it breaks our goal down into more simple steps.

I talk about the writing process a lot. Though it is step-by-step, it doesn’t have to be in order.

You can write ideas and put them in order later.

I do it all the time.

Who are you?

Another thing I want to say is remind yourself who you are and Whose you are.

Read scriptures that confirm your identity in God.

Read the Bible, and find out God’s plan for His people and you.

Your words will contribute to building the Kingdom of God.

Work in short sessions so that you can see yourself completing your writing tasks.

The motivation from this will help you build new habits.

Point 5 – Try to build writing habits

It doesn’t sound like a lot of time, but working for 15 focused minutes can help you become more productive and start a new habit.

Take your phone out and record your story ideas on your lunch break or while you cook dinner. You don’t have to be on camera. You can just lay the phone face down and record your voice in the camera app.

After you make the recordings, save them to a file, and keep them together so that you can come back to them.

You can also write ideas in a notebook/journal for 15 minutes daily.

It doesn’t seem like a lot of time but starting this habit could lead to longer chunks of working time.

In the end, it all adds up.

Do your best to set a time each day for you to set your timer and get to writing.

Reading what you write and editing, also count when you’re building a habit.

All of it is part of the writing process.

Point 6 – Use a calendar for planning

For years, I was a planner fanatic. I really enjoy stationery.

It got to the point that I would buy every new planner that came out, from different planner companies.

I was out of control.

I finally pulled back on my spending, and I decided for now, just to go with my Google calendar.

With my Google Calendar, I can add everything in and get notifications for what’s coming up.

Using a calendar can help you as well.

If you decide to use Google Calendar, do this: Think about all of your writing due dates. When do you want to release a book? Write them down for now, and we will come back to those.

Now on your calendar, add your work hours (if you have a regular job). This will help you see how much time you have left.

After that, add your family time, if that is part of your life that you need to focus on.

I don’t have kids, so this time would only include my husband and family gatherings.

In the same way, think about your down time.

Specifically, are you going to rest on the weekends? Are you only saving Sundays for church and rest? Add those nonworking hours to your schedule.

That’s done, and now you can look at your expected writing due dates again. Where can you find time to include your writing schedule? Where can you add 15-30 minutes of focused writing time? Do you have to get up earlier or get it done right after you put the kids to bed?

When you have a detailed schedule you can make plans to write. Just focus on one thing at a time. This will eliminate the overwhelming feeling of starting.

Try focusing on one thing at at time, as often as you can. Multi-tasking can be bad for our mental health. Well at least it is for mine. Doing too many things at once helps us get nothing done.

And don’t forget, once you have your schedule that’s not where it stops. You have to do what’s on the schedule. That’s the tough part – I know!

Choose a day to do this on a weekly basis, to keep up with your writing journey.

Conclusion – By Overcoming Procrastination We Honor God

God has blessed us with gifts and talents that we should use for His Glory.

He calls us to writing, and He has plans for our writing.

You are going to do great things in His name. He has great plans for you. You can read that in Jeremiah 29:11.

So what are the barriers that are getting in your way of writing? It may not be procrastination, but it may be something else.

But if it is procrastination that’s getting in your way. Look at the symptoms again. How can you overcome them?

Remember that self-sabotage and comparison are dangers of procrastination.

Don’t compare your journey with someone else’s journey.

You can only honor God by being you. You are the best you that you can be.

He’s going to equip you for whatever He’s called you to do.

You will find ways to learn new things. He has already equipped you with a mind that can seek out ways to solve your problems.

When you research and learn more, you can produce thoughtful writing that honors God.

Even when you can’t see what’s next, keep planning and moving forward. Sometimes it looks like nothing is happening, but it is.

Just keep planting those seeds. They’re going to bloom.

Believe me, I’m talking to myself too when I say this!

I pray that this post is a blessing for you and has helped you in some way. Don’t forget about the barriers to writing. It is a free checklist that is available to you.

Please let me know what you will use from this post to beat procrastination. Or, what are you going to do that I haven’t listed.

Talk soon,


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