Three Ways to Practice Thankfulness

This is the time of year when we take a step back and reflect on what we’re thankful for. 

We let others know that we’re thankful for them. 

 Some practice a tradition of verbally telling what they are thankful for around a feast fit for royalty. 

 This is also the time when people hit the busy stores in search of those expensive gifts that may or may not satisfy the receiver. 

 This year will be a little bit more lively as we are prayerfully coming out of a horrible pandemic that has kept us away from each other for nearly two years. 

 As we celebrate, I just want to send a reminder of how we can be thankful in this time of reflection, and as we enter a new year. 


Psalm 34:1 (ERV) – I will Praise the Lord at all times. I will never stop singing his praises. 

 Many of us have seen family members, friends and possibly personally dealt with Covid. 

 This has been one of the scariest things to watch a loved one deal with. 

 Those who have come out of it, we give thanks to God for it. 

 Those who transitioned, I pray they knew the Lord and are in heaven praising the Lord and praying for our souls as we continue life here. 

 In all situations, God deserves praise at all times. 

 Even in these tough times, I’m learning that God deserves my praise no matter what is happening. 

 I will admit when things look bad, it can be hard to praise. 

 But I find the more I keep my eyes on Him the more peace I have. 

 The more I praise Him the closer He becomes. 

 I will praise the Lord at all times. 

 I will never stop singing his praises. 


Psalm 95:6 -7 (ERV) – Come, let us bow down and worship him! Let us kneel before the Lord who made us. He is our God, and we are the people he cares for, his sheep that walk by his side. 

God is our Creator! He is the One we worship because He made us. 

I admit and embrace my sheepness, because I can’t do anything without Him. 

I need His guidance and the wisdom He gives as I navigate this life.  

Mistakes are always going to happen, and His staff pulls me back on track when I get lost. 

The more I worship, the more He is by my side. 

He listens for the voice of His sheep when they call out to Him. 

He cares for us and He deserves our worship. 


Hebrews 13:15 (ERV) – So through Jesus we should never stop offering our sacrifice to God. That sacrifice is our praise, coming from the lips that speak his name. 

What if we practiced gratitude everyday? 

It would honor God because we would show Him how grateful we are for all that He’s done for us. 

If we’re still breathing it is for the purpose of honoring the One who made us. 

The One who keeps us. The One who provides. 

How can you honor God in your life continually? 

Some may say, “That’s too much work. I’ll praise Him when I have the time.” 

Time isn’t promised to any of us. 

That is why we should honor Him with our lips and all that we are, daily. 


As you are enjoying your holidays, remember to be thankful for food, family, and friends. 

But most of all remember the Lord your God!

Remember to praise, worship, and honor Him, because He deserves it all!

Plan for gratitude all year round. 

Find the smallest things that you can be thankful for. 

Pay attention, be present and take a break from the “hustle” of life to seek Him. 

I promise it’s worth it. 

Praying your holidays are filled with joy and love.

Until next time,


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